Workplace, Organizations & Teams

Well-Being Programs & Training

Is your workplace, team or organization interested in programs for team building, increasing interpersonal skills, managing stress or tapping into more intuitive and creative energy?

Engage, inspire and expand your group’s effectiveness with programs designed to nurture a deeper sense of awareness, connection and appreciation for individual strengths and gifts.

I can work with your group using the following programs, or customize a training program to meet your specific needs.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire."
– Isabel Myers Briggs

In a fun and interactive environment, Myers-Briggs is a powerful tool for both team and individual development. It allows a person to see their own unique strengths and gifts, and learn how to recognize the differences in how others choose to see and interact with the world.

These differences are foundational in helping to notice and understand important functions such as, where a person’s energy comes from, how they take in information, what motivates their decisions, and how they navigate planning and organizing within their life.

Myers-Briggs focuses on personal preferences, which allows a person to understand how they function best. This enhanced awareness around inner motivations and preferences, fosters increased feelings of self-worth and acceptance, all while cultivating a deeper sense of understanding and appreciation for those around them


This program offer opportunities that can greatly enhance the effectiveness in how people work together by providing a powerful platform for increasing:

  • Communication
  • Inter-personal Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Conflict Management
  • Self-Development
  • Team Building
Wisdom Profiles Assessment Program
The struggle to trust something as illogical as intuition can seem out of step in a world that places so much faith in logic. Where logic serves to tell you what 'has been', intuition shows you what 'could be'.

Wisdom Profiles is a proprietary program based on my over 25 years of guiding individuals to expand their ability to be intuitive guided.

Intuition can feel intangible and sometimes even confusing, making it difficult to completely believe or trust in it. And yet, each person has within them, access to powerful wisdom that can support and enhance their everyday choices and decisions.

There are many ways for intuition to come through and once a person understands their personal intuitive style, it greatly enhances their ability to recognize and ultimately act upon their intuitive guidance.


This program fosters appreciation and awareness of the different intuitive styles, which greatly enhances how people function both individually and within teams or groups. They will learn:

  • Their own personal intuitive style.
  • How their style of intuition influences how they perceive and process information.
  • How to use this information to enhance their creativity, communication style, decision making, personal motivation, self-awareness and inner guidance.
  • Practical tips for becoming more intuitive.
  • Limitations of their personal intuitive style, along with ways to improve on them so they increase their intuitive guidance.
  • How to allow intuitive inspiration to become a stronger guiding force within their personal and professional lives.
"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
– Lao Tzu